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burn off n.(焊接)熔焊穿。

Comfortable “ temperatures stop us from burning off fat body shape may be partly inherited 供暖和空調-舒適的溫度會阻礙體內脂肪的燃燒

Comfortable “ temperatures stop us from burning off fat 舒適的溫度會阻礙體內脂肪的燃燒


Therefore one will continually be searching for gaps in the field or schisms , releasing more attachment from the etheric body , burning off more karma with the kundahlini , repairing and expanding the ascending energy field , releasing unnecessary machinery , and building an ever increasingly crystalline biology in the form 因此,你將會持續搜索能量場中的裂縫或分裂,釋放更多以太體上的連線,用昆達里尼燒掉更多業力,修復并擴展提升的能量場,釋放不需要的機器,并在身體中構建一個不斷增長的水晶生物體。

During an epileptic seizure , the daughter had fallen face first into a fire that had burned most of her upper face ! the injury was one year old but her face was still badly mutilated . her eyes stared out without blinking because her eyelids had been burned off 有一次癲癇發作時,她的臉跌在火堆里,上半部的臉大部分都被燒傷,到現在已經有一年了,但是她的臉部還是嚴重受損,她的眼睛直瞪著,不能眨一下,因為她的眼皮都被燒掉了。

Intend now to burn off all ties of attachment in the space within or without and reunite broken circuitry , pressing together that which is of the front with the back , the left with the right , and the masculine or feminine within and into sovereignty of energy flow 現在意想在內部或外部空間燃燒所有的連接捆綁,重新整合分裂的回路,將前面和后面、左邊和右邊、陽性或陰性在能量流的王國中壓在一起。

If you have fat to burn off your abs don t believe that sit - ups alone will help , and also go running or use the treadmill , because if you have strong abs but a layer of body fat over them , you will never see them 如果您有油脂燒掉坐上升單獨意志幫助的您的吸收不相信,并且還去跑或使用踏車,因為如果您有強的吸收但體脂肪層數在他們,您從未將看他們。

One need not experience travesty ; one can intend to clear the karma by burning off the agreements and forgiving the prior ancestral experiences , canceling the manifestation of any karmic circumstance in the physical 你不需要經歷悲劇,你可以意想清除業力,通過燒掉協議并寬恕過去祖先的經歷而取消任何業力情節在物理層上顯化。

1960 . it s total darkness when the door is opened ; as the eyes adjust , we begin to see the youthful bodies inside , burning off their youth 易文編導的溫柔鄉1960里也有一間神秘的大廳,打開廳門走進去,只見那里面黑墨墨的伸手不見五指,待眼睛慢慢適應過來,卻原來都是蠕動的年青軀體,在那里燃燒青春。

The kundahlini is a recycling body energy that is hot , like fire , and allows for the burning off of karma or contracts and agreements which are necessary to be released in order to ascend 昆達里尼是一個火熱的身體循環能量,就象火焰一樣允許燒掉業力或合同協議,那是為了提升而必須來釋放的。

University students enjoy having picnics , and usually take along some kind of sports equipment , such as a frisbee or ball in order to burn off some energy after lunch 大學學生非常喜歡野餐,通常還會帶著運動設施,比如飛盤呀,球呀,可以在午餐后燃燒掉一些熱量。

Exercise can strengthen the heart and lungs , improve blood circulation , regulate mental stress , burn off calories and help you to keep an ideal body weight 運動能強心健肺,促進血液循環,舒展身心,又可消除精神壓力,更可消耗熱能,避免過重。

As i released the karmic debt with each one , i could cancel all energetic agreements made and burn off any attachments that remained 當我釋放與每一個人的業力債務時,我便可以撤消所有已達成的能量協議并燒毀任何殘存的連線。

However , in nigeria in west africa , over three quarters of the natural gas that is brought up with the oil is simply burned off 然而在西非的尼日利亞,與石油一同開采出來的天然氣有四分之三以上白白地燒掉了。

The kundahlini is a body fire that burns off cords , attachments , entities , and patterns you are forever releasing in ascension 昆達里尼是身體之火,能燃盡你在提升中永遠要釋放的束縛、連接、存有和模式。

This is because when you exercise , you start burning off more energy and the more you workout , themore energy your body needs 因為運動時開始燃燒更多的能量,你損耗的能量越多,你的身體需要的能量越多。

In florida s seemingly oppressive heat , master told us that the heat helps us to burn off our limitations and toxins 盡管佛羅里達的天氣十分酷熱,但師父說,熱氣可以幫我們把體內的毒素燃燒掉。

Firefighters have burned off fuel ahead of a 2 , 500 - acre blaze there and hope to keep the flames from jumping a highway 救火隊員在前方撲滅了2500英畝的烈焰,期望能夠阻止大火竄上高速公路。

People who practice martial arts usually have the means to burn off their poison so they dont need to dream too much 那些練武的人因為平時有發泄出去,所以就比較不需要作夢。

The part that was removed does not assemble once again . therefore , work that burns off it is advancing quickly 這是因為切斷的機車不要再裝配,就不必要嚴密的作業。